“Destiny sets a path for everyone; the choice to follow it is yours.” - Glenda Mash, rather I would say, “You set a path for yourself; the destiny must be obliged to follow it”. Many a times it is seen that people having the ability to perform do not take up the task for the fear of failure, or out of laxity to act. Often problems are created by us only. “One of the nice things about problems is that a good many of them do not exist except in our imaginations.” - Steve Allen. Any problem or difficulty – be it time availability or the conceptual clarity, be it speed or the accuracy – needs to be thought for solving it, and not to intimidate us. The path that is laid out specifically for a person is shunned for different goal and more often for an inferior goal. The obvious scapegoat at the end of the process is destiny or the luck. While the choice to follow the path was ours, discretion to work or not to work was ours, it was up to us to map a goal and follow the map completely; who else can we blame for failure?
Wait…what do we do when we try everything we can and things still turn out wrong? Why do some people overcome horrible, unimaginable adversities and make their lives a triumph, while others, in spite of every advantage, turn their lives into a disaster? Despite of one’s endeavor efforts one can not make for his aim, while the other, without any sincere efforts, achieve the same & says “wow!! I am lucky.” What’s the difference that makes the difference in the quality of life? What most of us have been taught till now is that there is no other alternative of hard work. And when many things happen beyond this, we blame our luck. Till here it may be acceptable but most of us are always confused about actual existence of luck. We have never done anything bad with Luck then why the luck is some time good while sometime hard with us? Is it feasible to blame such a superficial, intangible and unexplored tiny parameter for our life-worth success? Wait who says it is superficial and unexplored? Let’s explore luck and in turn the pathway to success to tap one’s full potential.
Success is inseparable from physical, intellectual, and spiritual energy that allows us to make most of what we have. Here comes the word “spiritual energy”. It is the energy through which you can control your mental activities and your behaviors to a degree you never believed possible before. Burning desire to the well-decided aim, Extreme positive attitude towards it, Clear visualization, and Confidence in oneself, all these parameters are by-and-large involved in spiritual energy & that is what our luck is. “The meeting of preparation with opportunity generates the offspring we call luck.” – Anthony Robbins. The difference between people who produce positive results and those who do not is not some sort of random roll of dice. People can do virtually anything as long as they muster the resources to believe they can and take effective actions. Our beliefs about what we are and what we can be precisely determine what we will be. The philosophy of luck should reach to all of us in the most visceral sense that we can change, we can grow, we can stretch ourselves, we can do things we never thought possible, that our greatest fears and limitations are self-imposed. There are consistent, logical patterns of actions, specific pathways to excellence, which are within the reach of us all. We can all unleash the magic within us. We simply must practice how to turn on and use our minds and bodies in the most powerful and advantageous ways.
Wait…what do we do when we try everything we can and things still turn out wrong? Why do some people overcome horrible, unimaginable adversities and make their lives a triumph, while others, in spite of every advantage, turn their lives into a disaster? Despite of one’s endeavor efforts one can not make for his aim, while the other, without any sincere efforts, achieve the same & says “wow!! I am lucky.” What’s the difference that makes the difference in the quality of life? What most of us have been taught till now is that there is no other alternative of hard work. And when many things happen beyond this, we blame our luck. Till here it may be acceptable but most of us are always confused about actual existence of luck. We have never done anything bad with Luck then why the luck is some time good while sometime hard with us? Is it feasible to blame such a superficial, intangible and unexplored tiny parameter for our life-worth success? Wait who says it is superficial and unexplored? Let’s explore luck and in turn the pathway to success to tap one’s full potential.
Success is inseparable from physical, intellectual, and spiritual energy that allows us to make most of what we have. Here comes the word “spiritual energy”. It is the energy through which you can control your mental activities and your behaviors to a degree you never believed possible before. Burning desire to the well-decided aim, Extreme positive attitude towards it, Clear visualization, and Confidence in oneself, all these parameters are by-and-large involved in spiritual energy & that is what our luck is. “The meeting of preparation with opportunity generates the offspring we call luck.” – Anthony Robbins. The difference between people who produce positive results and those who do not is not some sort of random roll of dice. People can do virtually anything as long as they muster the resources to believe they can and take effective actions. Our beliefs about what we are and what we can be precisely determine what we will be. The philosophy of luck should reach to all of us in the most visceral sense that we can change, we can grow, we can stretch ourselves, we can do things we never thought possible, that our greatest fears and limitations are self-imposed. There are consistent, logical patterns of actions, specific pathways to excellence, which are within the reach of us all. We can all unleash the magic within us. We simply must practice how to turn on and use our minds and bodies in the most powerful and advantageous ways.
hey..nice read :)
just 2 add sumthing...
the harder i work the luckier i bcum...
keep going!!
Very well written !!!
- Hemant
a very nice read...very positive tone...
but, there are times when luck plays a huge role in our success. For example: At work, some get good bosses to work with while some get bad bosses (who have absolutely no idea about their own work!) and our success depends completely on them and we do not have a choice!
This comment is to add on to yesterday's comment- April 29, 2012I strongly feel that bad bosses (who have absolutely no idea about their own work!) are the ones who are first-time managers ONLY,ie, people who have donned the hat of a 'Manager' for the first time!! So, it's sheer luck to get a manager who has some amount of experience and maturity in managing a team, which in turn leads to the success of the team.
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